Re: “Legalization’s legacy,” Denver Post news series.
Thank you, Denver Post, for exposing the ill effects of legalizing marijuana. They confirm and bring to fruition the concerns of we who opposed legalization. The third article (“Efforts to curtail marijuana-impaired driving collide with evolving attitudes, medicinal use”, Aug. 25) is the most condemning. It was bad enough for drivers to fear drunken drivers on the road; we now have added risk as citizens of being killed by drivers under the cloud of stupor from marijuana.
Medically, we have also learned of the slow development of the brain by marijuana usage from young age on. We are also seeing more exposure of pot to minors by usage from parents. Also, the legalization has infested the state with undesirable transients who are not an asset.
The state will live to regret this stupid action by people who don’t have the best interest of our society in mind.
Peter Bruno, Arvada
Re: “Traffic fatalities linked to marijuana are up sharply in Colorado. Is legalization to blame?” Aug. 25 news story.
According to your article, “The number of drivers involved in fatal crashes in Colorado who tested positive for marijuana has risen sharply each year since 2013.” The pot industry apologists counter that the data is imprecise and does not definitively link fatal crashes to marijuana use. The one thing we do know for certain is that it sure doesn’t have any positive impact on reducing fatal crashes.
Jack Shea, Wheat Ridge
Re: “Are you high? The science of testing for marijuana impairment is hazy, and evolving,” Aug. 25 news story.
I read your article on driving while high with interest. One factor that was not addressed is that testing for THC alone does not give an accurate picture of how high someone is, and here’s why.
Another component of marijuana is CBD (cannabidiol). The effect of CBD is directly opposite to that of THC and by balancing the action of THC, it lessens the high. CBD is often used for children with epilepsy who are not responding to any other medication, because it’s so uniquely calming to the brain, and if someone “overdoses” on THC they can effectively be treated with CBD.
Increasingly, in the marijuana industry, strains are being developed that have more CBD present. I suggest that testing needs to include levels of both THC and CBD, with the final result based on a ratio of the two.
Judy Ollman, Greenwood Village
Recently it has been reported that Gov. John Hickenlooper has been telling U.S. Attorney General Sessions about how well the legalization of marijuana is going in Colorado.
Perhaps the governor should read last Sunday’s front page regarding the sharp rise of marijuana’s impact in fatal crashes each year since 2013. Or perhaps the governor believes that financial benefits outweigh the increasing personal losses.
I’m guessing the family and friends of those victims are not as positive as the governor on the benefits of marijuana legalization.
Linda Cummiskey, Highlands Ranch
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