The VapirRise desktop vaporizer has several attachments, which allow for the use of vape bags or multiple users. (Provided by Vapir)

VapirRise takes versatility seriously (review)

The number of parts nestled in the VapirRise box raised brief panic in this simple stoner, like I’d just opened an Ikea furniture box.

But the initially shocking assortment of parts is actually one of the unit’s strong suits. This versatile desktop vaporizer can be used with a plastic tube or “whip,” plastic vape bags or a multi-user attachment that allows up to four tokers to use it like a shared hookah.

VapirRise vaporizer box with parts
The VapirRise unit comes with a plethora of parts. (Provided by Vapir)

The VapirRise is thoughtfully designed and well made. It uses a small HEPA filter (two included) to scrub the air entering the vaporizer. The stainless steel and plastic pieces are high-quality, fit together solidly and attach securely into the base.

The main unit is six inches in diameter at the bottom, with a concave cylinder rising six inches from the center. The assembled herb chamber and chosen attachment plug into the top. It’s a forced-air vaporizer, meaning it has a fan inside. Air pulls from the sides of the base, through the HEPA filter, across the ceramic heating element and up through the ground cannabis.

The base includes a digital temperature readout — from 150 to 400 degrees — with adjustable temperature and fan speed settings, and a button to toggle the heat and fan activity. All of those components light up bright blue when the side power switch is toggled on, which should help remind forgetful potheads to power down their paraphernalia.

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I really appreciate forced-air vaporizers, and the VapirRise seems to maintain consistent heat on all fan speeds. Because I’m a bit of a glass snob, I haven’t used a plastic whip for years, which made me feel a bit regressive. But I must admit there’s a sense of security in going glass free. The Rise is solid, and I don’t expect any piece of it to end up in shards at my feet.

One caveat: Although the Rise includes an oil attachment, the machine doesn’t really work with hash oil because 400 degrees just isn’t enough heat. It’s nifty if you like vaping essential oils, I suppose.

The VapirRise is a worthy competitor to the gold-standard Volcano, but even more versatile with its myriad attachments. And at $249, it’s a great price, considering a digital Volcano costs more than twice that much.

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