The VapeXhale Cloud EVO uses an all-glass heating path. (Provided by VapeXhale)

This is why the Internet loves the VapeXhale Cloud EVO (review)

The VapeXhale Cloud EVO is one of the most anticipated vaporizers ever, wowing Internet users and leading to $140,000 in IndieGoGo funding for the startup paraphernalia company. People go gaga for the VapeXhale because it uses an all-glass heating path and connects to custom water pipe attachments dubbed “HydraTubes,” and no other vaporizer on the market combines those two features.

Many connoisseurs want the purest cannabis vapor possible and don’t want to breathe in air that has come into direct contact with the heating element in the vaporizer. Some worry that ceramic or aluminum heating elements could volatize and be inhaled, but I think most all-glassers are like audiophile music lovers willing to pay a premium to hear their 200-gram record collections in the most gratifying analog granularity they can afford.

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The VapeXhale Cloud EVO vaporizer
“The Cloud EVO produces wonderful, clean vapor, and I love the water pipe experience.” (Provided by VapeXhale)

The Cloud EVO base stands 8 inches tall, and is slightly cone shaped with a 3-inch square base. The front has a power switch and a temperature dial, both unlabeled, and the back has a connector for a standard computer power cable, which is included. A glass tube runs the length of the unit, wrapped by a ceramic heating element. A glass connector pokes out the top, and the HydraTube rests on this.

It’s not all glass, to be sure, as the Cloud EVO uses a small capsule made from stainless steel screen to contain the ground up cannabis — a point most enthusiasts forgive. The capsule is placed into the glass top. Once switched on, the machine take a few minutes to heat up. LED lights inside the base color the top connector green to indicate its ready.

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The Cloud EVO produces wonderful, clean vapor, and I love the water pipe experience. The whole thing is smartly designed and downright sexy. The device has a slightly limited air intake, which may require a more measured draw, and with all the glass it’s certainly not ideal for clumsy stoners.

The VapeXhale Cloud EVO is a sleek, stylish, and functional vaporizer. That almost-all-glass experience isn’t cheap, though, with a base model costing $450 and a HydraTube adding $150 to that price. But if you are a glass lover in the market for a Volcano or other high-end vaporizer, the Cloud EVO is certainly a cool choice.

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