The Associated Press

Recent posts by The Associated Press

Are lawmakers moving legalization along despite Gov. Christie?

Republican Gov. Chris Christie’s warning to New Jersey’s Democrat-led Legislature not to move forward with legalizing marijuana is going mostly unheeded.

Georgia lawmakers: Let voters decide about growing medical marijuana

A dozen co-sponsors signed on to a bill calling for a referendum to legalize cannabis cultivation to produce previously legalized cannabis oil.

Maryland Black Caucus looks to overhaul the state cannabis commission

The Caucus looks to overhaul the Medical Cannabis Commission to ensure racial diversity after no African-American owned businesses given pre-approval.

Rhode Island marijuana legalization proponents gear up to try again

Rhode Island’s marijuana legalization bills will be reintroduced this year, supported by public polling and legalization in neighboring Massachusetts.

Arkansas commission settles on max number of medical marijuana dispensaries

The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission says it will allow this many dispensaries to be evenly distributed among the state’s four congressional districts.

Pot and pregnancy: How many new moms tested positive for pot at one Indiana hospital

Officials at a hospital in Richmond say 30 percent of mothers who gave birth there last year tested positive for an illicit or high-risk drug.

Landlords can now bar Michigan medical marijuana patients from doing this

Gov. Rick Snyder has signed legislation that lets landlords prohibit Michigan medical marijuana patients from doing this on leased residential property.

New Mexico lawmaker wants to nearly double medical marijuana patient limits

The bill would increase the cap on the amount New Mexico medical marijuana patients can possess, and double the number of plants producers can grow.

‘Let’s get there already’: Signs of GOP softening on Wisconsin medical marijuana

The conversation is shifting to whether the time is right to approve Wisconsin medical marijuana, even by former Republican opponents.

He doesn’t like legal weed. But who really is AG pick Jeff Sessions?

We know Donald Trump’s AG pick Jeff Sessions isn’t a fan of marijuana legalization. But who is he? Here’s a brief look at his career.

Nevada man arrested after attempting to bribe cops to ignore his illegal grow

A Nevada man has been arrested after walking into a police station and offering a deputy $30,000 to ignore his illegal marijuana growing operation.

Want to grow Arkansas medical marijuana? Here’s how much you’ll need to pay annually

A state commission has set the annual fee to grow Arkansas medical marijuana. So how much will cultivators need to pay annually? Hint: It’s a large chunk of change.

What marijuana legalization backers plan on doing at Trump inauguration

Attending Donald Trump’s inauguration? Well, look for a cloud of smoke and some reefer. Advocates ready to try a crazy approach.

Arkansas politicians opposed to medical marijuana will now make the rules for its rollout

Most Arkansas politicians campaigned vigorously against medical marijuana, and those same officials now have two months to regulate its rollout.

Can Sen. Elizabeth Warren help fix banking issues for cannabis industry?

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is leading an effort to help the federal marijuana banking woes – and trying to protect legal businesses. What she’s done so far.

Milestone time: Puerto Rico medical marijuana dispensaries officially open

Puerto Rico medical marijuana dispensaries have begun operation for the first time in the U.S. territory to kick off 2017.

Massachusetts pot shop delay confirmed: Governor signs bill

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker signed a bill Friday aimed at delaying by up to six months the opening of marijuana shops in the state until mid-2018.

Contention continues: Anti-marijuana group pushes to delay Maine’s new law

Campaigners who opposed a referendum to make marijuana legal in Maine are now calling for a moratorium on implementation of legalization.