Glass Slipper (marijuana review) - The Cannabist

Glass Slipper (marijuana review)

The fragrant Glass Slipper is solid daytime or happy hour smoke for someone looking for a boost in mood. To call the aroma intoxicating doesn’t do it justice.

G13 grown by a Colorado-licensed caregiver. (Jake Browne, The Cannabist)

G13 (marijuana review)

The subject of much lore and pop culture fascination (‘American Beauty,’ anyone?), this sample of G13 from a Denver-based caregiver has a Zen-like effect.

(Eric Gay, AP)

Praying for Texas marijuana: Boots on the ground in pot’s biggest battlefield

It’s been a mammoth month for Texas marijuana. “In a business where it’s slow to do anything,” one state legislator told us, “we’ve gone light years in the last few months.” But will any of the Lone Star State’s cannabis legislation pan out in 2015? Cannabist columnist Neal Pollack reports from Austin.

Some Denver City Council candidates open to relaxed marijuana rules

Where do Denver City Council hopefuls stand on pot regs?

Sixteen months after Colorado launched legal recreational marijuana sales, the center of the burgeoning industry in Denver is asking to extend shops’ evening closing hours and revisit the outright ban on public consumption.