BOSTON — A Boston man who said veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder should “get over it,” and described breast cancer patients as “cadaverous” in apparent opposition to a medical marijuana dispensary in the city’s swankiest shopping district says his comments were misconstrued.
Oliver Curme at a Tuesday zoning board hearing said the dispensary would draw “undesirable elements” who would end up “scaring off the clientele” of Newbury Street’s high-end shops and restaurants.
The comments shocked both opponents and supporters of the pot shop.
Curme told New England Cable News he used satire to mock dispensary opponents, and said he actually supports it.
Curme, who lives around the corner from the site, said he was so over the top he thought people would understand, and apologized if anyone misinterpreted him.
The dispensary was approved.
Watch the man’s comments during the hearing