A new study suggests cannabis consumers tend to enjoy higher incomes, higher rates of volunteering, greater enthusiasm for spending time outdoors and more satisfaction with life in general.
These findings anchor the first installment of Cannabis Wellness Trends, a periodic and detailed look at cannabis consumers in legal states including California and Colorado by data firm BDS Analytics. A second installment of the study will look at trends in Washington and Oregon, along with other states.
The reports are based on the ‘BDS Analytics Consumer Trends Survey,’ conducted online among 2,000 California and Colorado adults ages 21 years and older with a quota of 1,200 past-six-month marijuana consumers.
“One theme that clearly emerges from the research is the overall healthy well-being of cannabis consumers… when compared to ‘acceptors’ (people who do not consume cannabis but might consider it) and ‘rejecters’ (people who do not consume cannabis and would not consider it).”
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