Our guests on The Cannabist Show this week: Blank Space Media co-founder Zac Cohen and Cannabist contributor Josiah Hesse.
Associated Press report: A caped green superhero stumping for marijuana legalization votes at college campuses and bars in Ohio has sparked debate over its impact on children.
“Buddie” is a fuzzy, ever-smiling pot bud in a bulging white muscle suit with green trunks, gloves and boots. He arrives in a truck painted with marijuana leaves declaring: “Yes on legalization.” READ MORE
Watch: More videos on YouTube about marijuana in Colorado and beyond
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Denver Post report: MassRoots (OTCQB: MSRT), a Denver-based operator of a cannabis-centric social network, is eyeing a listing on the Nasdaq exchange.
Moving to a tier of a major exchange from the over-the-counter market could bring further legitimacy to the burgeoning legal marijuana industry as well as bolster the company’s stature in the eyes of potential investors, officials said in a statement. READ MORE
Test your knowledge about a weed-friendly wedding that got national attention, whether marijuana users are fatter than non-users and more.