RAW video: Get inside the mind-set of anti-legalization group Project SAM

Marijuana editor Ricardo Baca is joined in DPTV Studio B by Project SAM co-founder Kevin Sabet, an outspoken opponent of recreational marijuana legalization. In this expansive interview, Sabet talks about what’s happening in Colorado and beyond.

Sabet explains what’s at “the nexus” of Project SAM:

“We don’t need another third drug to be sold like tobacco or alcohol. On the other hand, we don’t want to mar somebody for life with a criminal record or fill our prisons with low-level drug offenders.”

Sabet goes on to say, “What (Project SAM) is in favor of is really: increased prevention, science-based education, as well as early intervention and treatment when needed. … We want to emphasize treatment and prevention, de-emphasize law enforcement, but we think it’s important that the behavior is still considered illegal to try and discourage use.”

Baca and Sabet discuss an array of issues, including various state laws for marijuana, early assessments of Colorado and Washington state recreational marijuana — Sabet says calling it an “experiment” is a misnomer because extensive data is lacking, and true results won’t be known for decades — marijuana research and how medical marijuana qualifying conditions are established, the pushback in local communities against allowing recreational sales and the oft-used argument that marijuana is safer than alcohol.

See the full episode of The Cannabist Show

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