Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said he will not join Oklahoma and Nebraska in their lawsuit against Colorado and its legal marijuana.
“We have no plans to sue Colorado,” Herbert said after the State of the States address in Washington D.C. on Tuesday according to The Deseret News. “I know others are concerned about that.”
But then Herbert added something pointing toward the impermanence of his statement.
“That is (our position) of today.”
“The concern for some is we have a Colorado law that is contrary to a federal law and that’s not being enforced. So there are some issues there that in fact need to be resolved, and I expect over time they will be,” Herbert said.
Herbert explained that Utah had legalized the use of a cannabis extract to treat children with seizure disorders.
“We’re trying to take parts that make the sense to Utah and avoid others we think maybe would be pushing in a direction that’s probably not warranted for our young people,” he said.
Otherwise, Utah will observe the consequences, “intended or otherwise,” of other states’ legalization of recreational and medical marijuana, he said.
“We’ll probably react accordingly to what we see taking place there. The good news is, if it works, we’ll learn from that success. If it doesn’t work, we will, in fact, learn from the lack of success. And if it doesn’t work well in Colorado, the good news is, it won’t destroy the rest of the county. We’ll learn from that experience and that experiment,” Herbert said.
More news on the lawsuit emerged when a number of Oklahoma lawmakers asked the state’s attorney general to drop the lawsuit against Colorado, saying it’s “the wrong way to deal with the issue” primarily because of its potential implications “for states’ rights, the Tenth Amendment and the ability of states and citizens to govern themselves as they see fit,” according to a letter sent to Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt by Mike Ritze, a state representative in Oklahoma’s 80th District.
Colorado legalization lawsuit:
Special report from The Cannabist
Top tweets: “Nebraska and Oklahoma want to ruin everything” and others
Document: Read the text of the lawsuit filed in U.S. Supreme Court
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