What happens when popular game Cards Against Humanity gets political?

When Cards Against Humanity takes on the “Don’t Be a Lab Rat” campaign

It’s one of those post-modern moments, when a pair of cards from the popular adult game Cards Against Humanity become simple but powerful political statements.

That happened recently when the above photo started circulating on social media this week. We saw the photo on marijuana industry lobbyist Shawn Coleman’s Twitter account, where he’s been critical of the “Don’t Be a Lab Rat” campaign recently unveiled by Gov. John Hickenlooper and the state of Colorado.

The state’s “Don’t Be a Lab Rat” campaign asks teens to reconsider using marijuana by presenting studies that say pot use can lower their IQs or cause memory loss.

Colorado’s “Lab Rat” Experiment:
A special report from The Cannabist

The creative force behind the “Lab Rat” campaign talks: Advertisements hope to test new message to prevent teen weed use

Making a mark: Giant cage gets noticed at Denver skate park — and vandalized

Editorial: Youth education campaign gets points for honesty, but cages a bit much

“Don’t Be a Lab Rat” unleashed: “For my part, my largest (downside of legal marijuana is) still teenagers and young people whose brains are still maturing,” says Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper

Couric and Hickenlooper on video: When Gov. John Hickenlooper and broadcaster Katie Couric got together for a conversation titled “The Dope on Pot,” what exactly did they talk about — besides Hick spilling the beans on the “Don’t Be a Lab Rat” campaign? Watch the video

Poll: Will the “Lab Rat” campaign help curb youth pot use?