Eggs are added into a mixer with cannabutter at a marijuana edibles bakery in Denver. (Brennan Linsley, Associated Press file)

Editorial: Why we need to keep working on marijuana edibles puzzle

In the ever-evolving regulation of retail marijuana, the state is moving smartly and deliberately to fix emerging gaps.

Recent rulings around edible pot are an example of this wariness, but there is more to be done.

Manufacturers in November should expect to face tougher regulations on potency, serving sizes and packaging to alleviate concerns about overconsumption by inexperienced consumers.

The rules still must be finalized.

The Maureen Dowd edibles saga: Remember when the New York Times columnist wrote about her bad trip on edibles during a Denver visit, and it set off an Internet firestorm? Get caught up

Stakeholders are still at the table to try to figure out what to do about products once they are out of the package. How will people be able to identify, say, marijuana-infused honey, soda or trail mix once it is no longer in its packaging — as state law requires?

There have been grievous incidents involving edibles that voters did not anticipate when they passed Amendment 64.

It is important for all parties — not just lawmakers and industry, but also critics — to continue to navigate these strange new waters and protect consumers.

Labeling THC potency: Why edibles can’t use well-known ski-run signage

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