As you might have heard, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is in Colorado this week. Normally such a trip for Christie, an expected GOP presidential candidate in 2016, would be fairly routine.
Instead his Colorado trip is buried in hurt feelings and bruised egos because of some disparaging comments Christie made toward Colorado in April, when he questioned the state’s quality of life after voicing his strict anti-marijuana legalization views.
Denver Democrats were so moved by Christie’s Colorado visit that they made an angry ad spot about Bob Beauprez, the Republican gubernatorial candidate Christie is stumping for while he’s in the state. And as the local media questioned Christie on July 23 at a Denver diner about his comments from April he stood firm:
“I’m not backing off an inch from what I said,” he said.
Related: Christie’s Denver visit
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie is in Colorado: Will he, like Obama, get offered weed?
Gov. Christie on Colorado anti-pot remarks: “I’m not backing off an inch”
So how do folks really feel about Christie visiting Colorado?
They’re not too happy about it, according to current conversations happening now on Twitter. Catch up with us:
1. So Christie’s here — but will Coloradans offer him free weed like they did Obama?
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie is in Colorado. Will he, like Obama, get offered weed? #marijuana
— The Cannabist (@cannabist) July 23, 2014
2. Christie is pumping up Denver-rooted Republican Bob Beauprez on the visit.
Chris Christie says his presence in #Colorado proves #GOP knows @Bob Beauprez can win. #copolitics
— Joey Bunch (@joeybunch) July 23, 2014
3. Coloradans weren’t the only ones who noticed Christie’s slam on the state.
Chris Christie to get a glimpse of Colorado in wake of marijuana remarks
— Reddit Politics (@Politics_Reddit) July 23, 2014
4. That said, some locals were really nice.
@ChrisChristie Welcome to Colorado!
— Mrs. Colorado 2014 (@Mrscolorado14) July 23, 2014
5. Some were ironic.
PARTY TIME ~ What Will Happen When Gov. Chris Christie Visits Colorado? via @feedly
— Jan Erickson (@Mistress_Jan) July 23, 2014
6. Some exaggerated, literally.
Chris Christie is literally the devil “@HempNews: What Will Happen When Gov. Chris Christie Visits Colorado?:”
— Jackie Brown (@jackiebrown034) July 23, 2014
7. Some turned to Christie’s most notorious legacy.
He won't get any of Denver's votes if he runs in 2016. Don't let him near any bridges Denver. #MarijuanaVsChristie
—™ (@p0tcom) July 23, 2014
8. OK, more than “some” went there.
MT @BrandonRittiman: @ChrisChristie arrives in Denver to meet w/ @bobbeauprez. / Should we be worried about lane closures while he's here?
— Oreo (@OreoDCW) July 23, 2014
9. Some took the opportunity to trash Bob Beauprez.
Will Both Ways @bobbeauprez finally stand up to @ChrisChristie for trashing Colorado while he's there today? #COGov
— Danny Kanner (@DannyKanner) July 23, 2014
10. Others did the same.
Is @bobbeauprez really hosting notorious Colorado-basher Chris Christie?
— Bill Menezes (@bmenezes) July 23, 2014
11. It was a popular theme.
Both ways Beauprez is bringing Both Ways Chris Christie to give us a taste what a Governor Beauprez would be like
— Bowen4Colorado (@bowen4colorado) July 23, 2014
12. There were sour grapes and humor.
Chris Christie,Thought you didn't like the quality of life in Colorado!Then stay out of our state!You may get some 2nd hand MJ smoke
— andrew braun (@andrew_braun) July 23, 2014
13. There was rudeness and weight jokes.
Chris Christie can barely breathe at sea level. How is he going to handle Colorado's altitude? Worthless RINO.
— Hobbs (@hobbs_dav) July 23, 2014
14. There was a Colorado Democrat response.
Remember when @GovChristie dissed Colorado's way of life? We do, and so do Colorado Dems #nj #njpolitics
— Capitol Quickies (@CapitolQuickies) July 23, 2014
15. The local Dems’ even called him a “Colorado basher” — for shame.
WATCH: @BobBeauprez brings Colorado basher @ChrisChristie & his scandalous politics to town #politics
— Colorado Dems (@coloradodems) July 23, 2014
16. There were protesters with signs.
Protestors and onlookers gather for @ChrisChristie and @bobbeauprez outside sam's no 3 in #denver #copolitics
— Tessa Cheek (@tessacheek) July 23, 2014
17. There were questions asked that many were thinking.
Will Chris Christie's Beauprez fundraiser in Denver this week do more harm than good? #COpolitics #COpols #COleg
— Colorado Pols (@coloradopols) July 21, 2014
18. There was some level-headed conversation.
#Christie, who remains one of the most staunch anti-pot poster icon in #American politics, will finally get the…
— Stephanie (@mysteph09) July 23, 2014
19. There was a lonely sheriff in Aspen.
Just heard from the Sheriff of Pitkin County, Colorado (home to Aspen) that he will not be meeting Chris Christie…
— RAMP (@rampgop) July 23, 2014
20. And there were the sarcastic.
.@ChrisChristie RE Colorado. You have no clue about Denver. Go back to "beautiful" Trenton and don't come back.
— Gus (@Gus_802) July 23, 2014