Ricardo Baca, recently named marijuana editor for The Denver Post, chatted with Barbara Walters and the gang on ABC’s syndicated daytime show, “The View,” on Tuesday. Only Whoopi seemed interested in pursuing the conversation regarding the various strains of weed currently under review by the website, The Cannabist. And only Whoopi was curious when Baca mentioned hiring additional marijuana critics. But all chimed in with questions about Colorado’s newly legal recreational drug.
Interestingly, they got past the superficial joking that has undermined other interview attempts and inquired about the basics: What qualified Baca to be the weed editor? (former music critic for 12 years!) Are you encouraging pot use? What do you say to people who hate the very idea of legalized weed?
Baca was at ease taking a journalistic stance, neither encouraging nor discouraging but reporting on the legal, political and cultural aspects of the new Colorado reality. He’s had so much practice with these national media interviews, he’s starting to look like he belongs.