PBS travel host and author Rick Steves, a longtime activist for cannabis legalization, is amazed by developments in Colorado and Washington. (Provided by Rick Steves)

Travel guru Rick Steves on civil liberties and surprises

INTERVIEW: European travel expert, public TV host, author and noted marijuana activist Rick Steves opens up about state drug policies, social justice and the head trips of legal weed in Colorado and Washington.

Charlotte's Web medical marijuana CBD oil

Colo.-grown Charlotte’s Web rising in popularity

More than 100 families have relocated to Colorado Springs since the “Charlotte’s Web” story first began spreading last summer, according to Paige Figi and her husband and the five brothers who grow the special marijuana strain used to make an anti-seizure drug and sell it at cost through a nonprofit.

Jane West of Edible Events holds the chicken parm lollipops prepared by Three Tomatoes Catering at the Space Gallery in the Santa Fe Arts District. Photo By Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post

Cannabis-themed dinners: “I can taste every ingredient” indeed

“My little focus groups in Cherry Hills are having a great time,” says Edible Events organizer Jane West. “THC intensifies sensation. It makes you clearer and crisper on certain things. One friend said, ‘I keep vibrating,’ while another obsessed on the food: ‘I can taste every ingredient.’”