DENVER, CO - APRIL 20: David Jackson maintains a chill vibe in the grass as people smoke grass (cannabis) during 4/20 festivities at Denver's Civic Center Park on Friday, April 20, 2018. (Photo by AAron Ontiveroz/The Denver Post)

Denver’s 4/20 gathering five years after recreational sales: It’s a party

The annual 4/20 marijuana gathering in Denver’s Civic Center Park is nearly here and this year the message is simple: Come for the party, stay for the party. (P.S. Leave your stash and the kids at home.)

Weed has come a long way in Colorado and so has its companion event. April 20 used to be a day that legalization advocates gathered in public to light up and push for an end to marijuana prohibition. But recreational pot sales have been legal in Colorado since 2014. They’re legal in nine other states, with more than 20 other states allowing for medical use.

For Euflora, the dispensary chain hosting this year’s event, dubbed the FlyHi 4:20 Festival, it’s not about protest, it’s about celebrating how far marijuana and its cannabis cousin hemp have come in Colorado. From illicit drug to active ingredient in a federally approved medicine.

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