The Rev. Brandon Baker, right, raises the pipe upward, in recognition of the air, the sun, and a higher power during the pipe ceremony. The pipe is then passed around the circle. The ingredients include cannabis, sage, and a Native American tobacco. The Rev. Brandon Baker from Green Faith Ministries hosts "Sacramental Saturdays" in Greeley on Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014, with a small group of participants who gather for a ceremony where smoking a pipe containing cannabis and other ingredients is one part of the service. (Kathryn Scott Osler, The Denver Post)

Marijuana church Reverend suspends county commissioner campaign

Brandon Baker, reverend for a marijuana-based church, has suspended his campaign for Weld County commissioner at-large.

Baker, 39, announced his candidacy in January, citing partisan rhetoric and a continuation of complaints as his reason for entering the race.

As a Republican, Baker would have faced off against incumbent Steve Moreno and former Greeley City Councilwoman Sandi Elder in vying for a spot on the primary ballot Saturday at the Weld County GOP Assembly.

Instead, in a statement sent via email Monday, Baker said he will suspend his campaign with a promise to run for the District 1 seat in 2020.

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