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The Cannabist is switching our commenting system — here’s what you need to know

While The Denver Post has experimented with several commenting platforms, and even wound up without them entirely for a few weeks late last year, The Cannabist has plodded along, steadfast, with Disqus comments.

But recently The Post unveiled a new system powered by Spot.IM which we are now launching on The Cannabist, as well, in hopes of easing the moderation load and facilitating more engagement with some of the system’s algorithm magic.

If you’ve been commenting with Disqus, you’ll be able to claim your comments easily and log in with your Disqus credentials using the “Have a Disqus account?” link. You can also create a new account with Spot.IM using your Google, Facebook or Twitter account, or with an email address.

As far as how the system works, I’ve posted answers to the questions we’ve been asked most at The Denver Post, and you can always email me with questions about how commenting and moderating work on The Cannabist, or email support@spot.im if you have a technical problem with the commenting system itself (like you can’t log in, or your avatar won’t upload, or something like that).

How comments are moderated on The Cannabist shouldn’t change at all. We follow use the same Denver Post commenting Ground Rules (this is a good time to read them again, too).