Featured guests: Marijuana Policy Project communications director Mason Tvert and Women Grow founder Jane West.
We’re talking about the ways states can get marijuana legalized; new developments in the push for social pot use in Colorado; and the Women Grow Leadership Summit 2016 that’s happening in Denver Feb. 3-5. Another burning question: Is Colorado at risk of losing its place as the national leader in cannabis?
• The Kansas Supreme Court has struck down a voter-approved ordinance in Wichita that reduced penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana. The case has been closely watched by activists in other Kansas communities who are considering similar voter-led initiatives if state lawmakers continue to block reform of marijuana laws. –Report by The Associated Press
Watch: More videos on YouTube about marijuana in Colorado and beyond
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• A newly formed local chapter of pro-marijuana group NORML says it plans to revive a social pot use ballot effort that other advocates dropped last summer. Those activists had aimed to allow social pot use at bars and other businesses, but they withdrew their measure in September. Since then, the Marijuana Policy Project and law firm Vicente Sederberg have been discussing potential compromise ordinances with city officials as well as hotel and restaurant industry groups. –Report by The Denver Post’s Jon Murray
Test your current-events knowledge on a charity’s collaboration with Snoop Dogg, a Super Bowl weed connection and edibles in Oregon.