Freshly baked marijuana-infused cookies cool on a rack inside Sweet Grass Kitchen on June 19, 2014. The Colorado edibles bakery sells its confections to retail outlets throughout the state. (Brennan Linsley, Associated Press file)

Cannabist Show: He teaches cannabis journalism; She owns an edibles biz

Our guests on The Cannabist Show this week: Cannabis Journalism professor Andrew Matranga and Sweet Grass Kitchen owner Julie Berliner.


Associated Press report: Hemp being grown by Colorado State University in southwest Colorado is hidden in a crop of corn at a secret location, but Colorado farmers can ask for a tour of the 12 varieties being tested. Growing hemp, a genetic cousin of marijuana, is still regulated by the federal government, mostly for research. READ MORE

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Associated Press report: Indiana State Police say a multi-agency sweep of marijuana growing operations in southern Indiana has seized nearly 4,900 plants from 146 plots with an estimated street value as high as $7.5 million dollars. READ MORE


Test your knowledge about legalization debates in a European country, the Colorado pesticides controversy, decriminalizing marijuana in a New Mexico city and a sports apparel line that has a somewhat-stoney logo.

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