Let’s be real: During the All State Sugar Bowl on Thursday there was a moment when you found yourself wondering if those decals on the back of Ohio State’s football helmets were marijuana leaves.
No judgement. You weren’t alone. Others asked themselves the same question as they watched the Ohio State Buckeyes beat the top-ranked Alabama Crimson Tide 42-35 in New Orleans.
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Here are 30 others who recently pondered the buckeye stickers — and scroll past the tweets to read the story of a Tennessee police officer who pulled a 65-year-old woman over to question her about the Buckeyes sticker on her back bumper.
“It’s just amazing they would be that dumb,” the woman said at the time.
For now, back to the 30 others who thought the Ohio State players might have been making a political statement this season.
Ohio State pride stickers brought to you by: Marijuana. pic.twitter.com/Boc5x4HM9x
— Spencer Osborn (@SpencerOsborn1) October 26, 2014
My mom used to think that Ohio State's spirit shop sold marijuana paraphernalia (they were buckeye leaves) #SugarBowl2015
— Olivia DeMumbrum (@OliveDeMum) January 2, 2015
Why does Ohio state have pot leaves on their helmets? I feel like that's more of a Colorado thing
— John Gredell (@Lil_JOHNNNNN) January 2, 2015
One of my Okie friends said "What is with the pot leaves on the Ohio State helmets?"
— Barbie OKC (@JetSkiGirlRN) January 2, 2015
You know bama fans only watch alabama football and nothing else they on here talking bout why Ohio state got pot leaves on their helmets
— Tra (@superdupertra) January 2, 2015
Everyone who doesn't understand Ohio State culture thinks their helmets are covered with marijuana leaves. Okay, I do.
— JenHatmaker (@JenHatmaker) January 2, 2015
I don't care what anyone tells me Ohio State is definitely rocking pot leaves on their helmets
— Drew (@ImNotMagic) January 2, 2015
Can we make Ohio State remove their stickers because it looks similar to marijuana leaves? pic.twitter.com/STKY3aCPZB
— Blake carter (@Blake_Carter14) September 10, 2014
I always think those are little pot leaf stickers on Ohio State's helmets. Roll a great blunt, get a sticker.
— Ross Bolen (@WRBolen) January 2, 2015
When I was younger I thought that Ohio state buckeyes players had pot leafs on their helmet
— Coca Cola (@tylerpurs) January 2, 2015
Every time I see Ohio State's helmets I think, "Wow, that player's smoked a lot of pot." pic.twitter.com/8Iheir5dIz
— Football Ryan GB (@greenbergfb) January 2, 2015
Do those stickers on the Ohio State helmets look like pot leaves or is it just me
— Caitlin D. (@messerduff) January 2, 2015
The Ohio State players look like pot heads… Lol get it bc leaves on their helmet l0l l0l l0l
— Taylor Galloway (@taygall05) January 2, 2015
My dad just asked me if Ohio state had pot leaves on their helmet.. Mad funny their stickers actually look like pot leaves
— Jφhn (@johncowboyroy) January 2, 2015
Does Ohio state have pot stickers on their helmets?
— T-Milli (@TylerMilligan8) January 2, 2015
Is it just me or does Ohio State have pot leaves on their helmets????
— Caleb Meyer (@CalebMeyer2) December 7, 2014
Ohio State gets a pot leaf for each win or what? pic.twitter.com/advQKLkDH3
— Dylan Blackburn (@Dylan_Blackburn) October 19, 2014
About ready for #OhioState #OSU Awesome tunnel, Our Honor Defend but #Buckeyes leaf looking like pot leaf. pic.twitter.com/mVZ5ulBRnU
— ahrcanum (@ahrcanum) September 6, 2014
*Taylar looking at an Ohio State helmet* Taylar: Why do they have marijuana stickers on them?!
Me: Bc they want to legalize it.
Taylar: Oh
— Peter Breit (@not_so_BREIT) November 22, 2014
I've always wondered why Ohio State puts marijuana leaf decals on their helmets? pic.twitter.com/X1VT7t6wAj
— Daniel Kolbo ♕ (@KolbaFett) November 15, 2014
Stoner friend wants to know why they have pot leaves on their helmets. #SugarBowl #OhioState #Alabama pic.twitter.com/c4u7msRV3F
— Bud Geracie (@WakeOfWeek) January 2, 2015
why does Ohio state have marijuana stickers all over there helmets¿?
— mitch (@mitchvansick33) November 9, 2014
My mom just said that Ohio state had marijuana on their helmets
— Fi!omena (@grr_mendoza) October 26, 2014
This girl at Vanguard told me that she liked my "marijuana" sweatshirt. It's an Ohio state sweatshirt lol
— Damon Montano (@damonm14) December 5, 2014
Real question: why are Ohio State's helmets covered with marijuana leaves?
— Claire Westerlund (@cwesttt3) November 29, 2014
"Maddie is Ohio State the ones with the marijuana leaves on their helmets?" -@CarolineOrdway #WeBreedEmYoung
— Maddie moo230 (@fratdaddymaddie) November 29, 2014
One would assume the more marijuana leaves you have on your helmet at Ohio State the higher you are in the depth chart.
— Coach Lane Kiffin (@LaneKiffinBama) December 14, 2014
The joy of a new college football season, when all the Ohio State helmets are free of pot leaf stickers. http://t.co/YgqEYRxVDw
— Joseph Finn (@JosephFinn) August 30, 2014
Where can I get a cannabis sticker? #OhioState
— Ashley (@AshleyMPatel) January 2, 2015
No, those aren't cannabis leaves stuck on #OhioState helmets. Sure like like it though. #OSUvsBAMA #SugarBowl
— Mike Keval Brooker (@patria1818) January 2, 2015
And now back to Bonnie Jonas-Boggioni, who was pulled over in Tennessee in 2013 on her drive from Ohio to Texas — all because of a Buckeye sticker on her car.
One of the officers asked her, “What are you doing with a marijuana sticker on your bumper?” From The Columbus Dispatch’s original report from February 2013:
Neither the Tennessee Highway Patrol nor the Shelby County sheriff’s office in Memphis had information about the traffic stop. A marijuana sticker would not be a sufficient reason to stop a car, said a spokeswoman for the West Tennessee Drug Task Force.
Even if it were, Jonas-Boggioni said, police hunting drugs should know that a Buckeye leaf — which has five leaflets — doesn’t look much like a marijuana leaf, which typically has seven leaflets and a narrower shape.
Before they let her go on her way, the officers advised Jonas-Boggioni to remove the decal from her car.
“I said, ‘You mean in Tennessee?’ and he said, ‘No, permanently.’
“I didn’t take it off. . . . This little old lady is no drug dealer.”
Still have questions about the familiar buckeye? Feel free to address Ohio State’s Brand Guidelines.