(Hyoung Chang, Denver Post file)

Video: Forum on Colorado marijuana hosted by Denver Post

The Denver Post editorial board sponsored a marijuana forum, on Tuesday, June 17: “Colorado and recreational marijuana: How is the new era going?”

The panel discussion assessed the first six months of recreational marijuana and the first 18 months of legalized use in Colorado.

Forum highlights: Get the quips and key take-aways on Colorado’s recreational marijuana six-month review — edibles, youth education, the state’s reputation, hash oil fires and more

The forum was moderated by Vincent Carroll, Denver Post editorial page editor; Alicia Caldwell, editorial writer; and Jeremy Meyer, editorial writer.

The featured panelists:

Andrew Freedman. Freedman is director of marijuana coordination in Colorado, monitoring the state’s retail and medical marijuana — including policy, regulation, education, youth prevention, and substance abuse treatment efforts.

Christian Sederberg. Sederberg is a partner in the law firm of Vicente Sederberg. He was on the executive board for the Committee for Responsible Regulation, which coordinated the campaign to establish statewide excise and sales taxes on the sale of adult-use marijuana in Colorado.

Scott Martinez. Martinez is the Denver city attorney whose duties include providing legal advice on issues involving the regulation of marijuana. He is also on the boards of directors of the Colorado Bar Association and Colorado Hispanic Bar Association.

Gina Carbone. Carbone is a founding member of Smart Colorado, a non-profit dedicated to minimizing the negative consequences of legalized marijuana for Colorado’s youth.

Dr. David C. Goff. Goff is dean at the University of Colorado School of Public Health. He previously served as the Chair of Epidemiology and Prevention in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.