Maureen Dowd (Matt May, Getty Images)

Yes, there is a “Colorado candy bar incident” entry on Dowd’s Wikipedia

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd has crafted an impressive journalistic career that includes a Pulitzer, a Damon Runyon Award and a Woman of the Year nod from Glamour magazine.

You can read all about Dowd’s professional achievements on her Wikipedia page, and if you keep reading you’ll also come across a new entry: “2014 Colorado candy bar incident.”

Yes, seriously.

“In January 2014, Dowd went to Colorado, where she ate a cannabis-infused chocolate bar in her hotel room, which she had purchased legally,” the entry begins.

The entry reads so straightforwardly that it almost comes off like a children’s story.

The entry later shouts out to The Cannabist’s reporting from June 4: “Matt Brown, co-founder of a cannabis tourism company, said he had spent three to four hours with Dowd and a friend of hers before the incident, and said: ‘She got the warning.'”

Read the original column: Dowd’s bad trip was a truly terrifying experience

Follow-up: Maureen Dowd reacts — “I was focused more on the fun than the risks”

Opinion: Dowd’s peculiar tale is misleading, writes Denver Post editorial Page Editor Vincent Carroll, who notes Colorado’s edibles labeling requirements

20 compelling reactions to Dowd via Twitter: Dowd pens column on edibles overdose, and the Internet loses its mind

What was Maureen Dowd was told about edibles before her overdose? Matt Brown of My 420 Tours spent hours with Dowd and warned her about edibles, he says