(John Leyba, Denver Post file)

Littleton to consider ban on recreational shops, other facilities

City leaders in Littleton will give initial consideration Tuesday to putting in place a ban on recreational marijuana stores, as well as testing, manufacturing and grow facilities.

Littleton, which has four medical marijuana dispensaries, last year placed a moratorium on recreational pot shops that lasts through September.

Map: Colorado recreational marijuana shops and medical dispensaries

City Council is scheduled to consider the ban on first reading Tuesday and then open up the ordinance to a public hearing on July 1.

If the ban is passed, Littleton would become the latest in a long list of suburban communities that have said no to recreational cannabis stores.

John Aguilar: 303-954-1695, jaguilar@denverpost.com or twitter.com/abuvthefold

This story was first published on DenverPost.com