Washington issues first legal pot business license

Washington issues first legal cannabis business license

Washington state issued its first legal marijuana business license Wednesday, launching a new phase in the state’s ambitious effort to regulate a market that has been illegal for more than 75 years.

Marijuana Congress

Lawmakers press White House, again, on pot rules

A senior U.S. drug enforcement official urged Congress and others not to abandon scientific concerns over marijuana in favor of public opinion to legalize it.

CU-Boulder campus

No 4/20 smokeout at CU-Boulder: campus closing

For the third year in a row, the University of Colorado plans to close its Boulder campus on April 20 to curtail an “unwanted 4/20 gathering,” according to a statement released Friday morning by Chancellor Phil DiStefano.

Where Colorado pot shops bank is closely guarded trade secret for some

Top secret: Pot businesses aren’t sharing bank info

Marijuana business owners looking for banks willing to handle their accounts are finding resistance in the most unlikely place: their own industry. Why is it such a trade secret?

Colorado troopers get training on spotting drivers under influence of pot

Stoned driving: 60 cited in Jan., more law officer training

Colorado State Patrol officers cited 60 people in January for driving offenses in which marijuana was believed to be involved. Colorado law officers are receiving more training so they will be able to spot drivers who are high and to differentiate them from alcohol-impaired drivers.

"It's Just a Plant" illustrated children's book by Ricardo Cortés

“It’s Just a Plant” gives kids candid look at cannabis (book review)

“It’s Just a Plant” is geared toward starting a conversation with your child about marijuana. In the book, young Jackie, having woken up after bedtime, finds Mom and Dad smoking marijuana in their bedroom. Jackie’s mom promises to teach her about “mar-a-whahh” the next day. “This book is going to stay with us through my son’s childhood.”

PBS travel host and author Rick Steves, a longtime activist for cannabis legalization, is amazed by developments in Colorado and Washington. (Provided by Rick Steves)

Travel guru Rick Steves on civil liberties and surprises

INTERVIEW: European travel expert, public TV host, author and noted marijuana activist Rick Steves opens up about state drug policies, social justice and the head trips of legal weed in Colorado and Washington.

Marijuana properties financing

Banks won’t finance properties where pot businesses are located

Bankers with commercial loans on properties that lease to a marijuana business say they’re unlikely to refinance the loans when they come due — contrary to normal business practices — leaving some property owners scrambling for financing.

Charlotte's Web medical marijuana CBD oil

Colo.-grown Charlotte’s Web rising in popularity

More than 100 families have relocated to Colorado Springs since the “Charlotte’s Web” story first began spreading last summer, according to Paige Figi and her husband and the five brothers who grow the special marijuana strain used to make an anti-seizure drug and sell it at cost through a nonprofit.

Banks need more than marijuana regulators’ promises (editorial)

Federal guidelines intended to ease concerns of banks dealing with legal marijuana businesses are indeed a crack in the wall. But they don’t go far enough. The reality is the only meaningful “guidance” for banks will come from federal legislation.

Restrictions on marijuana advertising violate First Amendment

Restrictions on pot ads violate First Amendment (editorial)

Rules written last year by the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division for retail marijuana advertising are unconstitutional and have been ripe for a court challenge, which came last week when the publishers of High Times and Westword filed suit in federal court.

New details emerge on Colorado marijuana operators raided by feds

Colorado raids: New details emerge

The federal government has identified a dozen people in the ongoing investigation stemming from November raids on Colorado medical marijuana businesses. All but one is connected to a chain of five medical marijuana dispensaries and about a half-dozen marijuana grows controlled by Gerardo Uribe, his relatives or associates, records show.

U.S. policy on marijuana fuels push for legalization worldwide

Worldwide push for legalization follows early U.S., Uruguay success

From the Americas to Europe to North Africa and beyond, the marijuana-legalization movement is gaining unprecedented traction — a nod to successful efforts in Colorado, Washington state and the small South American nation of Uruguay, which in December became the first country to approve nationwide pot legalization.