Bruce Kennedy

Bruce Kennedy

Bruce Kennedy is a veteran communications professional and multi-media journalist who has years of experience in international and business news. He started covering Colorado's cannabis industry in 2010.

Recent posts by Bruce Kennedy

Tales from the crypt: Cannabis burial find dates back thousands of years

Scientists in China recently made an exciting discovery – uncovering what they call an “extraordinary cache” of cannabis at a burial site that’s thought to be about 2,500 years old.

Would the ambitious stars of ‘Shark Tank’ invest in pot?

Is this a good time to get into the legal marijuana industry? Here’s what the high-profile entrepreneurs on ‘Shark Tank’ have to say about it.

Does having license plates from a cannabis-friendly state make you a highway patrol target?

Even with half the nation having legalized medical marijuana, motorists from legalized states are still facing extra police scrutiny in traffic stops.

How this tiny Middle Eastern nation came to lead the world in medical marijuana research

With its government’s approval, this nation in the Middle East has emerged as a powerhouse in medical cannabis research and development for more than 50 years.