(Seth A. McConnell, Denver Post file)

Survey: One third of Colorado high schoolers have used pot

More than one-third of Colorado high school students surveyed said they’ve used marijuana, according to state health officials.

Fewer high schools students today view marijuana use as risky compared to students in previous surveys.

Preliminary results from the 2013 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey show the percentage of students who perceived a moderate or great risk from marijuana use declined from 58 percent in 2011 to 54 percent in 2013, according to a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment media release.

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“One in five Colorado high school students used marijuana in the past 30 days, and more than a third have used it at some point in their lives,” the release said. “Thirty-day marijuana use fell from 22 percent in 2011 to 20 percent in 2013, and lifetime use declined from 39 percent to 37 percent during the same two years. None of the declines shown in the preliminary data represent a statistically significant drop in rates.”

Tobacco use among high school students is on the decline, according to the survey.

The Healthy Kids Colorado Survey collects anonymous information from Colorado middle and high school students every other year. In 2013, the state departments of health, education, and human services surveyed about 40,000 randomly-selected students from more than 220 middle and high schools.

Final survey results will be available this fall at http://www.chd.dphe.state.co.us/

Kieran Nicholson: 303-954-1822, knicholson@denverpost.com or twitter.com/kierannicholson

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This story was first published on DenverPost.com