Denver's skyline, as seen from City Park. (Jupiter Images)

Restaurateur Dan Landes’ “hopes for the stoned citizens of Denver”

Editor’s note: Dan Landes is a Denver restaurateur, owner of WaterCourse Foods and City, O’ City, and an author. He published a short blog on Suspect Press about the impact the legalization of marijuana could have on the city of Denver, and we asked him if we could repost it here on The Cannabist.

I hope …

That those who own dispensaries begin to consider using good design. Please hire good graphic designers, interior designers and local artists to promote your business. The 420 culture needs to give way to the new style, one invested in good design.

The collective consciousness of Denver becomes more insightful and mindful. I would hope that cases of domestic violence decrease, drunk driving accidents decrease, violent crime decreases.

The stoned citizens of Denver take time to appreciate how fucking beautiful the blue of our sky is.

The stoned citizens of Denver never, ever leave their edibles out for children to find.

Taxes collected by the sale of marijuana in Denver are invested in quality education for our children.

Cops chill out and can begin to focus more on their mission to serve and protect instead of harass and beat down.

Have other hopes to add to Landes’ list? Post them in the comments.